Utsunomiya Light Rail turns 1
Utsunomiya's new Light Railway line celebrated its first anniversary of service in the summer of 2024.
It's opening has been a success with ridership over the year of 5 million passengers, 20% higher than forecast.
All photos: Anthony Leith, taken 21st September 2024.
 Car HU302 approaches the terminus of Haga Takanezawa Industrial Park. The factory in the background is the Honda Motor Company's Research & Development plant.
 Car HU316 climbs the grade while headed eastbound at Seiryo High School.
 Car HU312 was seen rolling across the depot junction Hiraishi while bound for Utsunomiya Station.
 Car HU316 seen again approaching the terminus at Utsunomiya Station. The line will eventually be extended from the eastern side of the JR East station to Tōbu Utsunomiya station, 2 kms to the west and through the central area of Utsunomiya.
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