This month we take a look at JRS member Nick Harling's N gauge layout "Kenekimura" which is based on the Iida Line in the late 70s/early 80s.
All Photos: Nick Harling
 A Kumoha 42 passes across the level crossing just outside of Kenekimura station. This is a Kato unit, one of an extensive number of sets provided by this and the other main Japanese manufacturers for the Iida line of that period. 15th November 2020.
 Of a similar vintage to the Kumoha 42 is this ED19 electric locomotive. These were the mainstay of the Iida line freight traffic until the arrival of the ED62 in the mid 1970s. This is also a Kato model. 8th August 2020.
 For many years, freight on the Iida line was dominated by cement traffic. To acknowledge this, Kenekimura has a small cement works; which although not based on any particular location, is designed to be typical of these small-scale operations along the line. All of the main structures for the works have been hand built. 21st August 2021.
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