Model-In month - ‘Seiketsu'
This month we take a look at JRS member Mike Keeble’s home layout ‘Seiketsu’. It was featured in the February 2022 issue of Continental Modeller, a UK-based magazine featuring models of world railways (except the UK), as well as issue 111 (Winter 2021/22) of the society’s Bullet-In.
All photos: Mike Keeble
 In this overview of the city, one can see in the foreground a green Setagaya tram departing the stop serving the bus station as the multi-coloured Enoden cars disgorge their passengers there. To the left, a Meitetsu 8800 Series unit on a Panorama service rounds the curve beneath the monorail with the elevated Expressway crossing both, whilst tower blocks frame the background.
 In the city’s Old Town, a thriving market benefits from modern transport links. In the foreground, a Series 100 Shinkansen is pulling out of the station, whilst a metro station with a multi-storey car park above is squeezed between the two.
 A view of the freight depot which serves container traffic as well as the oil terminal. Behind that, a KiHa 51 Series DMU from the Yufuin no Mori service creeps into the train shed. The International Airport buildings are in the background.
 In an area known as Shi-bashi, a Series 281 ‘Haruka’ set crosses one of the four bridges, almost obscuring the train climbing up from the lower level travelling in the opposite direction. Beneath the bridge is an old Series 115 suburban unit still in the original ‘Shonan’ livery, whilst empty Twilight Express stock stands in the siding beyond. In the foreground, a DF200 ‘Red Bear’ diesel locomotive powers an oil train up the incline.
 Trains pass on the Uji River bridge. The double-decker sleeper cars of the Series 285 ‘Sunrise Express’ cross with a double-headed JR Tokai ‘Euroliner’ service taking tourists into the mountains for a skiing break.
 On the edge of the Shi-bashi area, a suburban service descends to the lower level. In the background, a rotary snowplough is being turned on the turntable as a Jumbo jet passes on its final approach to the airport.
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