Trains in Izu
This month we take a look at trains in the Izu Peninsula, south-west from Tōkyō .
All Photos: Anthony Robins, taken 30th January 2022.
1: Side by side at Izu Kōgen, a JR East E257 operating Tōkyō bound 'Odoriko 4’ overtakes an ex-Tokyū set on a local service to Atami.
 One of Izukyū’s 1980s era type 2100 ‘Resort 21’ set could be seen quietly stabled at the line’s depot at Izu Kōgen.
 After operating over the Izukyū from Izu Shimoda, JR East’s all green car type 261 Tōkyō bound ‘Saphir Odoriko 2’ has just joined the Tōkaidō Line, the next stop being Yokohama.
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