JR East GV-E400 series DEMU's
JR East have been introducing a new design of Diesel Railcars to the rural Sea of Japan side Tōhoku lines which will replace the last of the venerable JNR Ki Ha 40, 47 & 48 classes from their network. Unlike previous designs of DMU's which have been hyraulic and/or hybrids, the GV E400/401/402 series comprise a diesel generator which feeds electric traction motors, similar to how diesel locomotives have been designed for many years.
The 400 series can operate singly with driving compartments at each end while the E401+E402's operate in pairs.
All Photos: Anthony Leith
 GV E 400-3 was stabled in the narrow gauged Yonezaka Line platform at Yonezawa on the 20th May 2020. When the Ōu Main Line was converted to standard gauge to allow for the Yamagata Shinkansen, the station became a break-of-gauge point and the Yonezaka Line became a branch line.
 Coupled pair GV E 401+GV E 402 were seen departing northbound from Amarume on the Uetsu Main Line on the 24th May 2020. Amarume is the junction for the Rikuu Sai (West) Line, for connections to Shinjō, terminus of the Yamagata Shinkansen.
 GV E 400-14 was seen at Aomori on the 31st August 2021. The units based at Aomori operate the local service on the scenic Gonō Line.
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