JR West from the vault
This month we take a look back into the recent past, showcasing JR West rolling stock from March 2008.
All Photos: Anthony Robins, taken 10th March 2008.
At Himeji KiHa 181 22 leads the 'KaniKani Express', 'kani' (crab) reflecting its destination of Kinosaki Onsen, also in Hyogo Prefecture. Himeji Station today is completely unrecognisable from this shot, with the station now on an elevated structure.
 En route on the Bantan Line, this type 103-3500 set was stabled at Teramae.
 'Kita Kinki' limited express, which operated from 1986 to 2011, is seen at Kinosaki Onsen with type 183 set B64 before departure for Shin Osaka.
Photo of the Month Archive