Japanese Railway Society

Photo of the month archive

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JRS Photos of the Month for April 2015

This months photo's are a mixed selection from 
the collection of JRS member Makoto Onouchi.

Izu-Hakone ED32 & ED33 on the Sunzu-Line
between Mishima-Futsukamachi & Daiba Stations with
Mt Fuji in the background. 25/01/2015

ED32 & ED33 again, this time between Makinokō &
Ōhito Stations. 25/01/2015

The Sōya Main Line in Northern Hokkaido regularly sees high volumes
of snow fall on the line during the course of winter. Essential for keeping the
line clear is regular operation of snowplows. DE15 2514 pushes a plow through
a deep drift while operating special service 'Yuki 372' between Teshio-Nakagawa
& Saku. 11/01/2015

DE15 2514 seen again pushing through snow drifts
between Hokusei & Nisshin Stations while operating
special service 'Yuki 362'. 11/01/2015

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