This month's selection from showcase the changing developments in Shinkansen rolling stock with new E7's and overhauled E3's commencing service earlier this year.
A brand new JR East E7 Series Set heads for Nagano from Tokyo Station whilst a 700 Series set awaits its departure for points west. These E7 sets will be joined by JR West's own W7 sets when the Hokuriku Shinkansen opens beyond Nagano. 05/04/2014. Photo: Kiyoshi Jinno
 Contrasting nose profiles of older 700 Series Tokaido Shinkansen stock with new coupled E5 & E6 sets for the Tohoku Shinkansen. Whilst the lines here are adjacent, there is no physical connection between these 2 high speed systems. 05/04/2014. Photo: Kiyoshi Jinno
 This scene at Ueno was a common sight until earlier this year before the E1 sets were removed from service in the March 'Daiya Kaisei' Timetable changes. 17/02/2007. Photo: Alex Morley