This month's photos are a tribute to the 'Akebono', another of Japan's famous Blue Train services, which will be removed from regular service in the March 2014 Timetable Changes (Daiya Kaisei).
The Southbound Akebono awaits its scheduled departure time from Aomori with EF81 85 leading the consist on 12/02/2007. Photo: Alex Morley
 Due to a heavy snowstorm, the Northbound Akebono from the evening of 19/12/2009 was cancelled upon arrival at Urasa while EF64 1032 was leading the train. This photo was taken the following morning on 20/12/2009 while service on the entire Jōetsu Line remained cancelled. Photo: Anthony Leith
 EF64 1051 lead its service into the terminal roads of Ueno on 28/09/2013. This service had arrived late due to a lineside fire in the Nippori area. Photo: Anthony Robins