A spectacular view of a special steam service arriving in parallel with a Tokaido Shinkansen & Meitetsu service as viewed from the Nagoya Skyplaza Restaurant. 17/02/2013.
 February was a busy month for new Shinkansen stock deliveries with the subtly externally different N700A services entering service with JR Tokai. This set is seen at Tokyo Station on 18/02/2013.
 Also commencing delivery last month were JR East's E6 set which will be coupled to Tohoku Shinkansen 'E5' sets as far as Morioka, and continue to Akita on the Akita Shinkansen, which is also known as a 'Mini-Shinkansen' and before that as sections of the Tazawako & Ōu Main Lines. This set is seen entering Omiya on 03/02/2013.
All photos by Kiyoshi Jinno.