Tabata Depot
Tabata Railway Depot lies a few kilometres north of Ueno station in Tokyo. All pictures were taken by Anthony Robins on 23rd September 2011.
 139 of the total of 308 1500 volts DC EF65s were the series 1000 ‘PF’ variant, indicating that they were for both passenger and freight use. Built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, EF65 1102 can be seen on its ‘home turf’ at Tabata.
 Newer dual voltage DC and AC locomotive EF510 509 in the livery to match the luxury carriages of the ‘Cassiopeia’ service between Ueno and Sapporo. Built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, it had been delivered in July 2010.
 164 dual voltage 1500 volts DC and 20000 volts AC EF81s were built between 1968 and 1992 by various makers. Allocated at this time to Tabata, with the star indicating its use on the ‘Hokutosei’ service between Ueno and Sapporo, is smartly turned out EF81 81 built by Hitachi.