steam train on Mooka Railway behind a newly restored C11325, type C11
2-6-4 tank. The engine came back on rail last year, waking up after its
27 years sleep. The C11 now works regular passenger service on weekends
between Shimodate and Motegi, 42 km. Photographed in September 1999 by
Hiroshi Naito.
scene like you saw somewhere and some time a long time ago. But, this a
real feature seen at Shin-Kanaya on the Oigawa Railway. The electric
locomotive is ED101, type ED10, 45-ton 600 kw, built in 1949 by
Mitsubishi. The locomotive works switching (shunting) operations at
Shin-Kanaya where the line's depot is located, and occasionally on the
main line as a helper behind a steam train. Photographed in September
1998 by Hiroshi Naito.