Contact information

The Japanese Railway Society Homepage

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Membership - Interested in joining?

The membership fee for the JRS is £18.00 for Great Britain, €33.00 for countries of the European Union and US$ 45.00, Japan ¥ 4,800, AU$50.00. The Sterling subscription rate applies for all other countries and is £26.50. For membership details, please contact our Treasurer:


A copy of the Information Sheet is available for Download here.
A copy of the Society Rules is available for Download here.

If you whish to join the JRS, please print off and complete THIS application form.


pdf logoForms are in *.pdf format, Adobe's Acrobat Reader can be found here.


Contact the JRS via e-mail

(Remove the protective prefix of 'iyayospam' for the correct address)

Anthony Robins, JRS Chairman and coordinator for Japan:
Peter Dibben, JRS Treasurer, Sales & UK North Co-ordinator:
Mike Joynt, JRs co-ordinator for the USA & Canada:
Alex Sims, co-ordinator for Australia & New Zealand:
Christian Lapschina, co-ordinator for Mainland Europe:

For comments about the JRS web page, Facebook & Twitter content, please e-mail the JRS Web Master:

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