Bullet-In # 51
Issued: July - September 2004
- Eidtorial, Letters & E-mails
- Diary Dates, Sales & Wants, Chairman's Chat
- Operational Life / Oigawa Railway
- D51 and DD51 Locomoitve Guide
- News Update
- JR Central Career Path
- Koiwai Farm & Railways Antecendants
- Sendai Municipal Transportation Museum
- Toyotetsu: Toyohashi Railway
- Tōbu Tōjō 90th Anniversary
- The International Railway Society of Japan
- Another 'Sayonara': Mikawa Sen
- New JR East Railway Museum
- More about Night Trains
- Limited Expresses on the Tōkaidō Line
- Tōkyō - Nagoya Route Variations
- Book Revieuws:
- JRS Shop and Library
- Model-In: Shows & New Products
- Model shops: Japan Model Railways and M.G. Sharp

cover: Top: Nara Station moves(9. 15) An appreciation photo taken by Jenny Tremaine, July 1999
Bottom: DD51 842 Imperial Train locomotive (ref. p8), photo by Kiyoshi Shinozawa